Thursday, July 26, 2012

Two Weeks = Big Move

Two weeks from right now we will be relaxing unpacking our new house. We will be living in a home that is ours, one that the kids will have their own rooms. We will have a big, fenced in back yard that the children and Rylie can ran and play until they are worn out and ready to relax inside, one that is surrounded by a 6 foot privacy fence, therefore giving each of us the sense of comfort in our backyard. To say that each of us are excited about the doors that are beginning to open, would be an understatement.

Even with the excitement and gratitude that I am feeling, the anticipation and being overwhelmed has begun to kick in. It's hard to think that in 13 days we will no longer be living in Mena, a place that has become a home to  us. It's hard to leave the people here that we have become close with, especially Aunt Jeanette and Grandmama. It's hard to leave this house that we have come to love. It's very hard to leave the North Little Rock VA and Kev's Case Worker and OIF Coordinator - who are both by far, absolutely amazing women! It's hard to leave somewhere that Kevin has found so much comfort in living. This small town life really isn't all that bad!

It seems like we will be going nonstop for the first month of us living in GA. Okay, at least the first month. We all know it will be more than that between family, friends, doctors, school, and more! When we arrive early Thursday (8/9), we are planning to go ahead and register the little ones in school, then meet OHF and Chase at the house a little after lunch to do the key handover. Friday will be busy with unpacking and moving the kids furniture into the house, and Saturday we have Kev's parents coming over. After we visit with them and show them around the house, the girls, Terri, and I are heading out for some much needed retail therapy! Okay, maybe not retail therapy as much as school uniform shopping, looking for things for the kids rooms, picking up towels, and things like that. Oh, and of course school supplies for all three. Nicholas still needs a backpack (if they let him carry one in kindergarten). The girls already have theirs, we bought theirs through Thirty-One, as well as their Thermal Lunch Totes. Did I mention, their bags and totes are SUPER cute? Because, they really are.

It's so hard to believe that in less than three weeks, we will have a 5th grader, 4th grader, and our little man in kinder. Time sure has flown by. This is one of those bittersweet times in life that you wish you could postpone for a bit longer!

After we sold our couches last week, Nicholas and Breanna decided they wanted to camp our in our living room and made tents out of fitted sheets, blankets, and four of our chairs from our dining set. They literally camped out for three or four nights in the living room. They had so much fun.

To the parents and siblings, we will see you soon. Friends and family, it won't be much longer before we see you as well! Just give us time to get moved in and situated with our new lives!

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