Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Family of a Vet: The Love Letter Campaign

Nationwide Campaign Launches Today to Tell the Love Stories of Heroes & Families

We're celebrating Veteran's Day with the launch of a very special project... a project designed to celebrate the heroes that we love!

Today, on Veteran's Day (and ending on Valentine's Day), we're launching The Love Letter Campaign... a campaign to encourage those who love a hero to write a letter sharing their story (where they started, what they've faced together, and why their love endures). It's not just for spouses, but also for parents, siblings, caregivers, and friends. It's about telling the "rest" of our stories... stories that continue despite PTSD, TBI, and the challenges of life after combat.

The idea for this project, The Love Letter Campaign, started on October 2, 2011, when I decided to write an open love letter to my husband... a wounded warrior who kept asking me the question on the minds of so many struggling heroes... "Why do you still love me?".

Here is the letter I wrote: http://blog.familyofavet.com/2011/10/open-letter-to-man-i-love-man-who-is.html

The response we received to that letter was overwhelming. It touched a cord in many caregivers and spouses. It made them stop for a moment and reminded them of their own reasons for loving their own dear hero... something that in the middle of "life after combat" can sometimes get pushed to the side.

The links below will give you tons of details. We want to *REALLY* make a big deal about this and welcome *ANY* suggestions about how to get the word out and encourage as many people as possible to participate!!

Here's the main page for the campaign: http://www.familyofavet.com/love_letters.html

To submit your Love Letter, visit this link: http://www.familyofavet.com/love_letters_submission.html

Here's the press release about the campaign: http://www.familyofavet.com/love_letter_press.html

If you have a blog, please consider adding a button about the campaign to your blog.  Information is available here: http://www.familyofavet.com/love_letters_blog_button.html

Here's the PDF Color Flier: http://www.familyofavet.com/files/Love_Letter_Campaign_Color_Flier2.pdf

Here's the PDF B&W Flier: http://www.familyofavet.com/files/Love_Letter_Campaign_B_W_Flier2.pdf

***Blogging Friends, please copy and paste this info to your blogs as well! Help me get the word out, please!!!***

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