Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Continuing to Pray for Scarlette

   I am writing tonight to ask everyone to say a prayer for a friend of mines baby. Kayla and I attended high school together, and though we were never close in school, I follow her blog daily. She is an amazing and strong woman with a lot of motivation and faith behind her. She is happily married with a baby that she delivered over 100 days ago. If I have not yet told you about Kayla and Jeff’s baby, you may find it funny that I mention the days. See, Scarlette was born as a micro-preemie. She was over 100 days early. During this week, Kayla will pass by her actual due date. The only problem…. Scarlette is still in NICU. She was born weighing a little over one pound. As of right now, this precious baby weighs over 4.2 lbs! Can we say absolutely amazing! She has the strength of her mother and surprises us daily. Though none of us have had the privilege of meeting this miracle, she has stolen and captured the hearts of many. When Kayla posts daily, whether it be on her progress or days of hardships, I cry. I cry for the good news and I shed many tears over the worrisome news. I pray daily and frequently. This fighter that Kayla has had the pleasure of bringing into the world and knowing deserves so much more in life and I have no doubts, she will get it. Scarlette is here for a reason. Kayla has been by her side throughout it all and loving her with every passing moment. When Kayla hurts, we all hurt. When she is overfilled with joy, we are on the outside rejoicing with her. Scarlette is currently having more issues within the intestinal area. She is up for another GI appointment and a possible transfer to a Children’s Hospital in Atlanta for another surgery. Please everyone, pray! This little girl and her family need it. To hear more of Scarlett’s adventures and Kayla’s thoughts, please check out her blog. On the right hand side of my blog, you will find a list of the blogs we follow. Click on the link that is titled Kayla Aimee: Only Slightly Neurotic. On her main page you will be able to read her thoughts, fears, and joys throughout this experience. In the upper left hand area you will see a link that reads Daily Scarlette. If you click on that, it will lead you to her daily updates. Read this and you will be able to take it all in from her point of view.

I know as a mother to two preemies, I cannot even begin to fathom what she is going through. My heart aches for her to see her baby going through this. Breanna was our preemie that went through so much, which we are blessed to have. After all, she is our little miracle. Not everyone knows the story on Breanna. Long story short, we had to fight to get Bre here, and even after my emergency c-section, it was a roller coaster with her. I went into labor at 20 weeks and for almost 15 weeks I spent more time admitted in the hospital than I did at home. The hospital had become my new, temporary home during this time. I was on full bed rest and pumped full of medication to stop and control the labor. It was so rough. At 22 weeks I was told the goal was to make it to 27 weeks in order for my daughter to survive. At 34 weeks I was rushed to L&D because my daughter’s heart had stopped beating. They pushed sugar cubes and juice through me trying to make her move and start pumping again. An amniocentesis was performed the following morning so that NICU could be on standby and better prepared for her. The doctors had already informed us that within 24 hours our baby would be here. None of us knew what to expect. I was overcome with worry and fear unlike any other time in my life. They tried to induce me, but my body went into full blown labor too quickly. This and everything else forced Breanna’s heart to stop again as it has multiple times over a 24 hour period. This time around we had no choice other than the c-section be performed immediately. When Bre was born it took more time than usual for her to breathe and start crying on her own. Kevin held her briefly, and then she was taken from us and placed in NICU. Luckily, the next day she was able to be in my room for short intervals at a time before they took her again. She had problems maintaining her body temperature.  Breanna was born at 5 lbs even and we took her home at 4.7 lbs. It took my daughter about two months before she even looked like a newborn. Preemie clothes and diapers swallowed her tiny little body! At a couple months old, the trouble began. She quit breathing and we spent over a week at Egleston. It is a children’s hospital outside of Atlanta. She had to undergo more testing than a child should ever face. They had IV’s coming out of her feet and head. I could barely pick her up when she cried because of the wires, IV’s and everything that was wrapped around her. My daughter was diagnosed with acid reflux and apnea. The reflux would burn so bad that as a baby, she didn’t know what to do. So, she would just quit breathing. In return this led to apnea. She was placed on an apnea monitor for months. I can’t even begin to recall the countless nights the machine would go off and I would sit on pillows and blankets, on top of this machine, trying to just make it stop. I would cry nonstop and I would question “why me?” “Why my baby?” I was 18 at this time and terrified. The first few years, and even moments today, have been critical with close calls for Breanna. After being told my daughter would never make it, she is an honor roll student (straight A’s as of today’s date), active child, who suffers with Severe/Chronic asthma. I always carry inhalers, when we travel her nebulizer goes with us, she is on medications to help maintain and stabilize her lungs and breathing. But, she is here and more than the doctors expected her to be. The reason I am sharing is not because I know what Kayla is going through. Because I don’t. My story is different from hers. I am sharing because there is a reason to never lose hope and faith. There is a reason to always pray and to pray with your whole heart.

To the moms and dads that are blessed and lucky enough to have healthy pregnancies, babies, and kids; quit taking advantage of that. Cherish every moment. We never know what is in store for tomorrow. I don’t think I have had a peaceful night’s sleep since I became pregnant with Breanna and had so many life threatening issues. When she coughs wrong, I worry. Hold your kids tight and let them know you love them. Reach out to someone that may just need that shoulder or the simple “I am praying…”  As the days go by, please keep Kayla, Jeff, and baby Scarlette in your thoughts and prayers. I know I do and I will continue to everyday. I look forward to the day when I hear they are bringing that sweet baby home! It will come. Kayla’s attitude towards everything can really open your eyes. She isn’t worried about a date or even an idea of when as long as eventually she can bring her baby home. Hold on to your faith Kayla! I know I am!

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