Thursday, March 31, 2011

100 Facts, Part 2

Welcome back for Part 2 of my 100 Facts postings! : )  

26. I take online classes, which I am good at completing... But, the truth is, I tend to get somewhat distracted by facebook and blogging! Tough thing to admit! : )

27. When I am feeling overwhelmed or really upset over something, I turn to cleaning my house...Inside and out. 

28. I will be 28 in a little over a month and I am having problems accepting that I will be 30 in two years.

29. I passed the Border Patrol Exam with a very high score in January and am now waiting (along with everyone else) for the physical exam and academy process.

30. Over the past year, I have really cut a lot of people out of my life due to finding out who my friends are and the importance of building healthier relationships.

31. I went into kidney failure twice last year and almost lost my life due to the incompetence of a doctor. It has only been seven months since the first kidney failure and two surgeries, and four months (almost 5) since the second kidney failure.

32.  I have lived in El Paso for coming up on five years and am one of the few that do not absolutely despise this place. Maybe it is because of where I live out here.

33. I have always wanted to go into the criminal justice field....Specializing in Homeland Security and Counter Terrorism.... with a Masters Degree. 

32. I love to go shooting, but never have anyone to go with me.

33. My first experience with the military was when my husband decided to enlist. 

34. I REALLY want another big dog, but don't want the mess or the food purchases. 

35. We lived in Germany for a few years as a first duty station.... I am better friends with the people we were stationed with there than the ones here at Fort Bliss. 

36. Between my health issues and Kevin always being in the field while we lived in Germany, we were very limited to traveling. Yet, he did surprise me with a weekend trip to Paris, France. AMAZING! 

37. I fell in love with the German food and truly miss it!

38. I want to adopt a baby in a few years.

39. I love to get my nails done because when they are not, I bite them! Such a nasty habit that I cannot break.

40. I love to smile and just be happy. Not everyone enjoys it.

41. I am a very optimistic person, which some hate! 

42. I tend to base and form an opinion on someone upon first meeting them. First impressions are everything to me.

43. My life revolves around my children, their wellbeing, and happiness.

44. I am not a huge coffee fan, but will fight for some Starbucks! 

45. If things are not organized I go crazy... My husband teases me all the time saying that I suffer from OCD. 

46. Breakfast is the only mean I really hate making! I am just not one to cook eggs, especially omelets, the correct way. Yet, I can cook up a mean meal for lunch or dinner and I love to bake!

47. I am one of the girliest tomboys you could ever know. Yes, I am the girl dressed in heels and nice clothes, yet riding on a four wheeler or playing sports.

48. My grandmother (dads mom) is the only grandparent that is still alive. She will be 85 this July and is in good health, considering all she has been through.
49. As I write this, today (March 31) is my Grandmother's (moms mom)  birthday that passed almost 19 years ago. I attended her funeral and burial on the day of my 9th birthday....

50. I live for not only the day, but the moment and cherish every second of it. We never know what the future holds....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

100 Facts, Part 1

I am jumping on the bandwagon and doing the 100 Facts About Me (Us) that one of my fellow bloggers has started. I know, I know. You typically wouldn't view my blog and find things like this. However, I have decided to start making this blog a little more "fun" and not always based around our family adventures. Maybe I will even try to post one thing a day...who knows what the post will entail.

Hope you enjoy my random facts! : ) I am going to do this in four separate posts, 25 facts in each!

1. I obtain the most useless information and tend to be one of the most random types of people you will have the pleasure in meeting!
2. I have a passion for writing and love to read, hence all the blogging! : )
3. I cringe when people use improper grammar and always find myself wanting to correct them.
4. More than anything, I would love to have another baby in a couple of years and I find it heartbreaking that for health reasons I cannot.
5. I get even more upset when I see people that have no difficulties getting pregnant and no health issues popping out babies and not being the parent they should be.
6. My husband use to be the most laid back person of the two of us, yet since my kidney failure last year I have found comfort in knowing things no longer overwhelm me the way they use to.
7. I LOVE the color pink... Clothes, accessories, pens...anything!
8. I don't believe that there is a "middle child syndrome" yet our middle child can be our most trying child.
9. I love to travel and explore new things in life.
10. I fear the unknown, which leaves me constantly trying to plan the future.
11. After two deployments and a lot of combat trauma, my husband is being medically discharged/retired from the army.
12. I struggle when having conversations with people that lack intelligence and common sense. One of my pet peeves.
13. I am one of the most curious people you will ever meet, which in return leads me to asking a lot of questions in certain situations.
14. It takes a lot to find me limited on words or to leave me speechless.
15. I love making new friends, but tend to be very cautious to the ones I allow into my life. I have been burned too many times.
16. I think limp handshakes belong to weak people. Strong handshakes show confidence in a person.
17. The best thing in the world is hearing my children laugh (as long as it's a good laugh! lol) and having my husband  by my side.
18. Kevin is not only my husband, but he has truly become my best friend and my backbone through everything in life.
19. Kids, and people in general, that lack manners really get under my skin. My parents raised me to treat others as I want to be treated, just as I raise my kids. I am BIG on respecting others, regardless of age or circumstances. You always come out on top and as the bigger person when you have respect for others and yourself. You can't have respect for yourself when you show no respect for others.
20. I LOVE the beach but hate getting in the ocean.
21. I believe quotes can be words to live by.
22. I am a southern girl and believe in the southern hospitality that comes along with the way I was raised.
23. To this day, I think my Grandmother has the best cooking and can out cook anyone!
24. I never imagined I could love my husband more than the day I said I do (coming up on 8 years), yet I find myself falling more in love everyday.

25. I love music and singing! I find them both, as well as writing, to be the biggest outlet when things are good or bad!

*** Another set of 25 to come soon! *** Stay Tuned ***

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Know What Time It Is???

.....Baseball Time!!!

That's right, that time has come again! Right now they are still playing spring pre-season (spring training) games and we are all awaiting on the real season to kick off! Most everyone knows that we are from right outside of Atlanta, GA (literally growing up about 25 miles from the city), just as a good bit of you know Kevin isn't our avid sports fan... not in the least bit, but I am and I can't wait for the season to kick off! I LOVE THE BRAVES!!! One of these days I will even talk my husband into joining me for a game at Turner Field. The Braves kick off their Home Opener on April 8 against the Philadelphia Phillies. Wish we could be there for this game!

Now, what better way to kick off the season than showing one of the most ( Braves fans... My nephew, Gavin, who is already decked out in his Braves wear! I adore this baby!

Look Back on Our Weekend

This weekend was spent...well.... kind of lazy! I was sick all weekend. I had and am still having issues with my allergies, plus I managed to come down with whatever this funk is that everyone else has had lately. Let me just tell you, IT SUCKS!!! I have been coughing nonstop and just felt nothing short of miserable. Okay, maybe not miserable, but I am sure you know what I mean. It has not been any fun! We were going to just get out on Saturday, but honestly, I slept most of the day in hopes of feeling better.

Sunday was more productive. We decided to head to downtown El Paso just to get out of the house. When we drove by a parking deck, Kevin decided we should go to the top of a high parking deck to see the city. What an amazing view it was! The security guy told us we should come back on Friday or Saturday night and view it when it's dark, going on to tell us that the clubs all have strobe lights which makes it come alive. Plus, El Paso is always prettier with the lights! After talking, we may head up there this weekend just to check it out...if Kev feels up to it and can handle the lights.

Looking into El Paso

El Paso from the parking deck. Behind me was Juarez, Mexico

Mexico in the far distance

Mexico in the far distance

Downtown area, Mexico in the far distance

A small portion of downtown. I like this picture! I think it turned out with great features 

Looking down from the parking deck

After our adventures with driving downtown and through the amazing historic house district, we came home and decided to go for our nightly walk. We walked along the irrigation canals and through the dirt path that cuts through farm land. Yes, it is legal to go threw this area as long as it is before sundown. : ) The kids love our walks and look forward to them everyday! It seems as soon as they walk in the door after school they start asking if we can walk.

And for our captured moments of humor:

Yes, Nicholas is drinking lemon juice straight and not making a face at all! Gross! Yet, he seems to have taking  a liking to it....

Haha, we couldn't help but to laugh after thinking of the times we have threatened to strap the kids to the top of the vehicle if they didn't find a way to just get along!
The kids thought that someone had actually put their kids up there for misbehaving, which made it so funny!

Now, for the cute picture of the weekend:

Aunt Jeanette sent me this pic via text message of Bailey. Bailey was Scott's dog and one of the BEST Cocker Spaniels EVER! She is a wonderful and sweet dog who is fantastic with the kids. Couldn't help but to share this picture. : )

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday Night Date Night

Kevin and I were actually able to go out for dinner last night! Talk about a change in pace. It was a much needed time and evening away from kids and the time together was wonderful! Thank you so much Glenn and Debbie for coming over and watching our kids! We can never thank y'all enough!

We started off the evening by walking around The Outlet Shoppes of El Paso. We did a lot of browsing and window shopping. Nothing was needed, so no money was spent! It is awesome to say that. The weather was perfect, which made it incredibly nice to be outside.

After the outlets we decided to head to Applebees for dinner. Neither of us were too terribly hungry, so we settled on the 2 for $20 deal they have. It included an appetizer and two entrees. We were more than full when it came time to leave. We ordered the spinach dip as an appetizer and a chicken pasta thing for Kev and the sirloin steak for me. It was very tasty! With my allergies acting up as bad as they have been this week we decided to cut the night short and head home around nine... Not sure if it really was as much my allergies as it was the tiredness kicking in from our long week. Maybe we should just face the facts...We just aren't as young as we use to be. Man, it is sad to admit this!

Even with it not being a long or "adventurous" night out on the town, it was still incredibly pleasant to have that time away with my husband...and NO kids in tow! We forgot what it was like to enjoy a dinner without having to argue with the kids or hear them arguing amongst one another.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Family Fitness Fun

We have finally put our walking shoes on this week! The Biddle Family is now on the path of taking evening walks. The best part is there is a five mile walking path in front of our house/neighborhood. I will have to post a picture of it at a later point. We have 2.5 miles on our side of the hwy and 2.5 on the other side. In one direction is farm land and the other in the Rio Grande. Both are great areas to walk!

On Wednesday night we all walked 1.9 miles in towards and through some of the farm land. On this walk we spotted an owl, which the kids had a fit over! Other than that, there was not a lot of scenery or anything to special to mention.

On Thursday evening we decided to take the Rio Grande Route and I am so glad that we did! It was so nice to walk along the river. Next time we go we are going to walk to other direction of the river. Last night was perfect walking weather with the exception of the wind at some points. The kids loved being near the water. Nic and Bre stayed in trouble for throwing rocks constantly.

I Believe I Can Fly

Breanna ran outside holding Macho in the air singing "I believe I can fly". As they got closer we noticed our dog had on pink fairy wings and of course asked her if she realized that he is a boy. Her response, "Duh Mom, but he's a dog so he doesn't know...Plus, he is flying, so let him have fun." After that she continued holding him and singing "I believe I can fly".
As always, the Biddle kids keep us full of smiles and laughter!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Awww, But I Really Want Glasses

 On the way to the girls eye appointment. He is so full of expressions!

Breanna and Caitlin had to endure the wonderful thing called an eye exam yesterday! They handled it like pro’s and did an amazing job! They both came out with 20/20 vision! Bre has some slight “problems” with seeing close up. Nothing that has left any concern and not enough to purchase glasses. This of course, left Breanna upset because she wanted glasses! What? Yes, she wanted glasses, so she was hoping to fail the test. Sorry kid, you passed and we will not be purchasing glasses at this time! When the eye doctor told her this, she actually looked at him and said, “Awww, but I really wanted glasse…” I just stood there looking at her like she had lost her mind! Come to find out the doctor said a lot girls her age want glasses… I guess it’s a fashion statement for them or something.

While we were there, the girls had to have their eyes dilated. Again, they did an amazing job! We are so proud of the way they handled yesterday. When it came time to leave, Breanna could not see clearly at all! She tripped over absolutely nothing and came so close to falling, then she almost walked into the wall. Poor Caitlin tried so hard to sit down and complete her homework last night. In the end, she just couldn’t see it enough to even work on it. I know how she feels! We had to end up sending a note in and making it clear that she will double up on her 
work tonight.

The kids actually liked the weird glasses they were given in order to walk outside. I hate those things! Nic was with us and made the statement that he too wanted some “cool” glasses. The nice women at the desk of course, gave him glasses!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Happy, Happy 4th Birthday to the most amazing little boy ever! Nicholas is four today! Where oh where has the past four years gone? It really does seem like I blinked and time flew. In many ways, it makes me sad because my little boy is growing up. Yet, in other ways, he is getting so big and becoming smarter everyday! As parents, Kevin and I are so incredibly proud of each of our kids! Every day they leave us overwhelmed in pride.

Happy Birthday Nic! Always know that we love you more than any amount of words can every say! 

All our love ~ Mom & Dad!  

Duh Mom

There is a never a day…or moment… that is typical in the Biddle Household.  Instead, the conversations can either leave a person ready to run as far away as they can or never wanting to leave because there is a never ending amount of entertainment. Typically, it falls on the latter of the two.

With all of this being said, now I will take the opportunity to share a moment that left me once again, somewhat speechless and full of giggles with Nicholas. Nic must have ate something pretty out of sorts over the weekend, though I can’t seem to place a finger on what, because he kept stinking up the house and the car. He was at the point of clearing rooms because it left a lingering, appalling odor!

It got to the point that I finally looked at Nic and simply asked, “Nic, what in the world is making you fart so much?” His response, was one that was full of common sense, “(hehehehehe~Nic giggling) My butt mommy..(hehehehehe)”. Can we say Duh Mom? What else could I say to that or do? Of course at this point, the room was filled with laughter!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pocket Full of Sunshine

♪♫♪I Got a Pocket, Got a Pocket Full of Sunshine… ♪♫♪

After the gorgeous weather this week "Pocket Full of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield has really been a catchy tune! I love that song! : )

Spring Break 2011 has come and almost gone! As of tomorrow we will be bringing this spring break to an end. Our poor kids had anything but an exciting vacation from school because of all the house repairs. We stayed home all week (for the most part) and tried to stay out of the way yet, be here to oversee everything. Destiny spent the break with us while her family has been in Idaho locating a new house. They are moving in the next few weeks for personal reasons.

On Friday as soon as the tub was removed I reached the point that I HAD to break away from the house. We walked around the outlet mall, which was pleasant. The kids behaved. We didn’t spend money, we just had to get out. Before we left I let the kids break away for a few minutes to play on the small play area.

After leaving the outlet, Nicholas caught me really off guard and truthfully made me want to cry! He got in his carseat and informed me that he could buckle his own seatbelt. Of course, I figured that he could give it a shot and I would finish it for him. Man, did this little guy prove me wrong! He buckled himself all up and was so proud of himself. Which, if course, I was and still am as well. Yet, at the same time, I am kind of heartbroken. My baby is becoming a small kid! He will be four on Monday, so he will officially hit the preschool age and I will officially be in tears! I am so not ready for this! 

When Saturday rolled around, Kevin had to pull CQ as the NCO, and again, I had to get out of the house with the kids. So, off to post we headed. There was a German Bazaar and a small thing at Old Fort Bliss. No better way to go other than a free fun day! The German Bazaar was okay, though I will say the ones we had while living in Germany were a lot better! This one was real small with minimal vendors. Yes, we do have an entire German Community on post due to the German Airforce being stationed at Fort Bliss. The kids LOVED the vendors and the set up at Old Fort Bliss. The girls were consumed by the way things were "back in the day" as they stated. The "old timey" living conditions seemed to have them in full amazement. Then they asked if that's how it was when Kev and I were kids... Really? Lol. They really cannot understand the concept of time! I just told them that life wasn't even like that when their grandparents were kids! Haha! Now, doesn't this make us all re-evaluate our ages. : )

After the morning that was spent at Fort Bliss, we all headed home and started our clean up. I agreed to let the girls have a slumber party to bring their spring break to an end. They had three friends spend the night and had a blast. A friend of mine, Debbie, came over to help me out with the "girlie" time. She brought her two daughters over. Her husband was on CQ with Kev. We spent the evening pigging out on easy, finger foods, doing makeovers on each of the girls, and painting their nails bright summery colors! Total girls night! Following that girlie time, we let the kids all make some Easter crafts. Debbie and her kids left around 9pm, Nic went to bed shortly after, and five little women stayed up until around one in the morning talking about "girl" things... In other words, they left me pretty speechless at the things they know and were discussing numerous times!

I am sure most of you have heard that the moon was the brightest and largest last night that it has been in 18 years and will be in the 100 years. The kids were super excited to see the moon show and loved how big and bright it was. Of course, the pictures that were taken on my phone did it absolutely no justice at all!

Just some random pictures from this past week:

 Nic ended up pretty sick this past Monday. Poor little man. Thankfully is passed pretty quickly.

Nic watching TV in our unorganized living room. 

Nic playing with my camera while I worked on my computer.

Caitlin smiling big for Nic 

Me with my silly little man 

And yes, I HAD to share this picture with everyone! Why? Because the grass is turning GREEN!!! An tiny area in our front yard. How cool is this? Spring has sprung!