I know it has been too long since I have updated on here. Things have just been busy with the holidays, kids, school (mine and theirs), Kevin's work schedule, health issues, kids coming down with illnesses... you name it! Seems like the last two months of the year are always the most chaotic.
There has not been a whole lot going on to really update on! The girls have one more week of school before their Winter Break begins. Kevin is working half days and may take some leave. We are waiting to see if his leave packet was approved or not. Even if he takes a few days, we are just staying around the house and spending time together! It will be so nice!
Bre ended up being pretty sick last week. She started off with a sore throat (which turned out not to be strep like the docs originally thought). Following the sore throat, she ended up with a severe upper respiratory infection, which also led to an asthma attack filled week. She came home early on Monday and did not go back to school until Friday. Then over the weekend we still had to keep the nebulizer out due to her having another bad attack on Friday night. We feel terrible for her and hate that she has been facing this since she was 15 months old. It breaks my heart to hear her when she can't seem to catch her breath or with her horrible, croupy sounding cough. She does great with it all and knows to always keep her inhaler within reach. The doctors have put her back on her Flovent inhaler, that she takes twice a day, as well as another medication. Of course, she has her albuterol inhaler and the albuterol for her nebulizer. Bre has been referred to an ENT that she sees soon. We are going to discuss the possiblitly of her tonsils being removed to help avoid her being as sick with tonsillitis. She has been diagnosed with that 4-5 times since school began in August. At the end of the day, however, after all of our struggles with getting her here, her surviving the pregnancy (even when the doctor's didn't think she would), her being a tiny preemie, and the health issues she faced the first year with the apnea monitors at all times and her reflux... if this is what our battle is with her now, we will deal with it and cross whatever bridge we have to. Afterall, we have been incredibly blessed and are so lucky to have her here with us!
Nicholas tends to be nonstop now. He is always into something and very outgoing! He loves being the center of attention in all he does. He loves the ladies! He now asks us if he can go flirt when he sees a pretty girl! This child is a mess! He is finally talking more and so plainly! It is amazing how far he has come in 17 months. He has the best sense of humor and always keeps us on our toes!Caitlin is reading more and really trying when it comes to school. She has pulled her grades up in most everything. We keep busy with her and continue trying to get her grades up more every day. She is enjoying school and socializing a lot more than before. Kevin is doing great! Just ready for more news from the army. As we have learned over the years, the motto "Hurry up and wait" is by far the best one for the army. It seems as though nothing ever takes place with the speed we would all like. Hopefully we will receive more news after the first of the year. Please continue to be patient. As soon as we have dates we will make the phone calls necessary as well as post the information on here. There is nothing we can do to speed the process and there are no answers we can give at this time. Trust me, we are more ready than anyone else could possibly be!I have stayed busy with Kevin, the kids, and all that they have going on. As well as the normal household duties and I started on my medical terminology course, which will follow with a medical billing course. The terminology course has really had me thinking about my educational future and what I really want to do... I have gone back and forth with some things dealing with what I really want to study and go into. More to come on that after I make my decisions! As far as my health goes, I have pretty much stayed the same as I was in November. I did go for more lab work two weeks ago and for a renal and bladder ultrasound this past Friday. I have an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday for all of the results. I am nervous, but ready to know more. For the ulcerative colitis that was found while I was in the hospital in November, my doctor has referred me to a GI (gastroenterlogist) specialist. I am still waiting on the refetrral. I am also going to be seen by a specialist for my kidneys. She is wanting a more definite answer on why I keep falling into kidney failure. She pulled me off some of the meds I have been on until we have further results to all of the testing. The ones that I have been kept on are the ones I am life dependent on. I also have an appointment with a neurologist tomorrow morning. Hoping for some good news and results this week! To everyone that reads this, please just say a prayer.....Below I am going to include some picture that have been taken recently. Hope you enjoy! This one melts my heart! My guys playing a game on the computer.
Crazy boy! This was right before Halloween.
My amazingly attractive husband! He was sitting at the hospital with me in November.
Lol. We have no idea where Nic picked this up. Now when he is told to do something, he salutes while saying yes ma'am or yes sir. Crazy kid!
Little Miss Caitin
He thinks he is hot stuff being able to take a bath in our "big" tub.
Aww, another one that just melts my heart. This was after some Daddy and Nic time! I love this one!
Me, after getting my haircut. We had a girls evening out... I took Bre, Caitlin, and Destiny for us to all to have our hair cut! It was a much needed night.
This is too funny... Nic's blanket finally ripped into one large piece and one obviously small piece. He decided on this day to take the smaller one with him in his pocket! He thought it was hilarious when I noticed how big his pocket was!
We let the girls have their first real slumber party... of course this was while Kev worked all night! So I had six girls to myself (as well as Nic) Thank God for my good friend out here, Lauren. She came over for a few hours! We baked cookies and let the girls go to town with decorating them. They had a blast. In the picture they are getting down on some Americal Idol on the PS3.